Frozen Fish

“Fish has no scale, Eat unlimited”

Bangladesh has undergone a revolutionary change in the fisheries sector.  Great success in fish extraction and production has brought Bangladesh to a position of glory in the international arena. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) report, Bangladesh ranks third in fresh water fish production, fifth in closed water fish production, first in Hilsha fish production and fourth in Tilapia production. 11% of the freshwater fish in the world is now being produced in Bangladesh. The total amount of which is about 13 lakh tons. Bangladesh is number one in the world in Hilsha production and 80% of the total Hilsha (around 6 lakh tons) is produced in Bangladesh.

There are about 800 species of fish and shrimp in the water bodies of Bangladesh; among them 260 species of freshwater fish and 475 species of marine fish.  Scientists and researchers of the Fisheries Research Institution in Bangladesh have brought back 39 species of indigenous and almost extinct fish. Live gene bank has been established in Mymensingh district to save indigenous fish from extinction.

A silver revolution has taken place in the country in open reservoirs and millions of fish ponds built by private initiative. 56% of Bangladesh’s fish come from ponds.  16% of the total production of fish i.e. 6.70 lakh metric tons contributes from marine fish. About two crore people are involved in fish farming and its business.

Bangladesh has progressed in mass fish production and is progressing in export as well.  Bangladesh is exporting to 52 countries including the United Kingdom, China, India, France, America, Japan, Russia, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Australia, Malaysia and United Arab Emirates. Among the exported fish of Bangladesh are Shrimp, Carp,(Ruhi, Katla, Mrigel), Crab, Kuchia, Pangus, Pabda, Tilapia, Shoal (snakehead), Kai (Climbing Fish), Shing (Heteropheustas), Magur (Walking Catfish), etc. species of freshwater fish and various species of marine fish like;, Pomfret, Coral/Vetki, Mackerel, Tona etc.  About 70 thousand metric tons of fish and fish products have been exported in 2022-23 financial year across the mentioned countries.

Fish production has increased due to the development of better quality fish varieties and its rapid expansion by the fisheries scientists of the country.  Especially in Mymensingh, Gazipur, Bogra and Comilla districts, there has been a revolution in fish farming in ponds and in Khulna, Jessore, Satkhira, Bagerhat, Chottogram (Chakria) and Barisal divisions, fenced/enclosed fish farming (Gher) has had a major impact on the economy of these areas as well as on the national economy.  Shrimp fish produced in these areas is now the second major export product of the country.

Fish are being exported according to the demand of foreigners through laboratory tests. On the other hand, the food ingredients that come for fish from abroad are being tested in the laboratory; so that no unsanitary material can enter into the fish during cultivation, production, extraction and distribution. There are 3 quality control laboratories of international standards established in Dhaka, Chittagong and Khulna district of Bangladesh. Farmers/fishermen are trained in proper methods to produce safe fish for export. The department of Fisheries always supervises them at field level.